Protecting the environment and using resources and technology wisely is a central challenge of our time. This applies to public authorities, legislation and especially to economic operators with regard to the necessary financial resources. The path to sustainable and responsible solutions is not always easy.
Comprehensive environmental protection is a cost problem for many companies.
The challenge of the future lies in new, integrated solutions that sustainably protect the environment and resources while increasing technological and economic competitiveness.
The keywords here are sustainable development and clean technologies.
Through experience and continuous training, TÜV AUSTRIA has the expertise to support industry and commerce in finding and implementing integrated solutions, thus ensuring and increasing their economic efficiency.
Appropriate authorisations, state-of-the-art methods and measuring equipment and competent, specially trained employees form the basis for our diverse range of services.
TÜV AUSTRIA is your competent partner for efficient environmental and resource management. Let’s take on this challenge together.