Solution: Cyclic polarization testing

Solution: Cyclic polarization testing

cyclic polarization

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"Explore Metal Behavior: Cyclic Polarization Measurements provide insights into corrosion rates, pitting risks, and passivation. Get quick assessments within a day. Complement exposure tests for comprehensive analysis. Standards include ASTM G5, G59, and G61."

Exploring Metal Behavior

Cyclic polarization measurements are performed to study the behaviour of metals under different exposure conditions:

  • measuring a corrosion rate
  • resistance to pitting corrosion
  • passivation behaviour
  • and others

First, we measure the open circuit potential of the metal. Next, we apply an increasing potential to the metal and then gradually decrease it. Throughout this process, we continuously measure the current response.

This procedure results in the creation of a cyclic polarization curve. From this curve, we can determine several important parameters. For instance, we can identify the open circuit potential, calculate the uniform corrosion rate, and pinpoint the passivation potential. Additionally, we measure the passivation current, detect the pitting potential, and establish the repassivation potential. Each of these parameters provides valuable insights into the metal’s behavior and properties.

Same-Day Corrosion Assessment

Within one day, an estimation of the uniform corrosion rate and a risk for pitting corrosion can be established. Cyclic polarization measurements can be complementary to exposure tests since they can provide additional information.

ASTM G5, ASTM G59 & ASTM G61 proof

Polarization measurements can be performed based on following standards:

  • ASTM G5: Standard Reference Test Method for Making Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements
  • ASTM G59: Standard Test Method for Conducting Potentiodynamic Polarization Resistance Measurements
  • ASTM G61: Standard Test Method for Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements for Localized Corrosion Susceptibility of Iron-, Nickel-, or Cobalt-Based Alloys

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