TÜV AUSTRIA Group Annual Report


TÜV AUSTRIA Group Jahresbericht | Annual Report - PDF Cover
TÜV AUSTRIA Group Annual Report – PDF Cover


TÜV AUSTRIA Board Members Stefan Haas and Christoph Wenninger on the excellent performance of TÜV AUSTRIA in challenging times, new opportunities through acquisition projects and substantial investments in the expansion of the testing, testing, development and research infrastructure, as well as the spirit of research and innovation within the Group.

The TÜV AUSTRIA Group Annual Report is available for download:

Vienna, May 2022


What do you need to know as a CISO concerning AI governance, monitoring and EU AI ACT/ISO 42001 certification?

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, staying compliant and secure is a critical challenge. This webinar is designed to guide CISOs, development managers, and QA leaders through the complexities of the EU AI Act and ISO 42001 certification. Learn practical strategies, case studies, and monitoring techniques tailored for CISOs and QA leaders navigating the new EU AI regulations.

METALogic officially becomes TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium by August 1, 2024. Two industry leaders deliver asset integrity expertise and services.

Driving innovation and growth

METALogic officially becomes

We are excited to announce that METALogic will officially become TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium by August 1, 2024. This merger represents a significant milestone, bringing together two industry leaders to deliver technical expertise and comprehensive services in the asset integrity domain.

METALogic officially becomes TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium by August 1, 2024. Two industry leaders deliver asset integrity expertise and services.
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Projekt Nanoro | Verwaltungsgebäude | Bethel High School in Burkina Faso

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